課前祈禱文 -- from YogaA Way of Life  --Swami Adhyatmananda
Om Saha Navavatu  Saha Nau Bhunaktu,
撒哈 哪瓦瓦度 撒哈 瑙烏 布哪度
Let God protect us, both master and disciple together. Let He give us Liberation simultaneously.
嗡!願祂保護我們,老師與學生兩者。 願祂同時給我們自由。
Saha Viryam Karavavahai,
撒哈 偉諒 卡啦瓦瓦海依
Let us both try together to know the scerets of Shruti
Tejasvi Na Vadhitamastu MaVidvishavahai,
帖加斯偉 瓦低塔嗎斯度 偉偉灑瓦海依
Let our education be enlightened. Let there be no malice between us any time.
願我們一起學習到知識與光明。 願我們彼此間沒有敵意及誤解。
Om  Shantih  Shantih  Shantih
香堤 香堤 香堤!
Om!  Let us together get physical, mental and spiritual peace.
Let us learn together. Let us get the result of study together.
Let us jointly work hard for education.
Let us together get the knowledge,light and development at the end of the study.
Let there be no misunderstanding between us during learning.
Om!  Let us together get physical, mental and spiritual peace.
SAHA - together (guru + disciple)
NAU - us both (we)
AVATU - protect
BHUNAKTU - may (He) nourish
VIRYAM - with energy
KARAVAVAHAI - may work
ADHITA - study
TEJAS VINAU - vigorous & effective
ASTU - let be
MA - not - let us not
VIDVISAVAHAI - may we two dispute


Prayer that both guru & disciple offer so that both together walk towards God-realisation.

May he (Brahman) protect us both together;
May He nourish us both together;
May we work conjointly with great energy;
May our study be vigorous & effective;
May we not dispute (or hate any creature)
Let there be peace and peace & peace.

Om Saha Naavavatu Story

Guru Dronacharya was the Guru of the Pandavas and the Kauravas. Once he was teaching them a `subhashita", which said, 'Do not be angry but have lots of forbearance and patience with others". His students, both Kauravas and Pandavas learnt it very well and quickly. But his cleverest student, Dharmaja (Yudhistira) did not learn it.

Drona was very surprised and asked Dharmaja to learn it before sunset. Drona waited and at sunset he asked Dharmaja, if now, he had learnt the lesson. Still Dharmaja said, no, he had not.

Thereupon Drona gave a hard slap to Dharmaja in anger. Now Dharmaja said yes, he had learnt it. Dronacharya asked Dharmaja to explain! Dharmaja said, he had understood the meaning, but not experienced the feeling, of the "subhashita". After getting a slap from his Guru, he kept calm and quiet, but did not get angry and patiently bore the pain with a smile. He now experienced forbearance, properly.

We too, must cultivate patience and humbly value forbearance, in the same grateful manner.


課後祈禱文 --from PRACTICAL GUIDE TO YOGA  --Swami Chidananda
Om Purnamadah  Purnamidam
普哪嗎答 普哪咪丹
The invisibleBrahmanis the fullThe visiblethe universetoo is full.
Purnat Purnamudachate
普哪 普哪姆答恰得
From the fullBrahmanthe fullthe visible universe has come.
Purnasya Purnamadaya
普哪夏 普哪嗎答亞
The fullBrahmanremains the same,
Even after the fullthe visible universehas come out of the fullBrahman
Om Santih Santih Santih
香堤 香堤 香堤!
Om!  Let us together get physical, mental and spiritual peace.

OM - primodial sound
PURNAM - full, whole, completeness
ADA: - that
IDAM - this
PURNAD - from that full
PURNAMUDACYATE - this full has come;
PURNASYA - from the full
PURNA MADAYA - has come out the full
(adaya-taking away)
PURNAEVA - the full is ever full
AVASISYATE - remains


That (Supreme Reality) is whole. This (Creation) is also whole. From 'That'; 'This' has come out. But even though 'This' has come out of 'That, yet 'That' remains 'That' only.

Creation, which we can recognize through the 5 senses is referred to as 'This'. God or the Supreme Reality is nothing that can be understood by the senses. IT is beyond 'This' world; nothing in `this' world is comparable to IT. IT is 'not THIS' but 'THAT'. However the world has come from God, & Creation is all-pervaded by GOD. This does not however affect the Absoluteness of the Supreme ONE.



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