Tvameva Mata Cha Pita Tvameva, Tvameva Bhanduscha Sakha Tvameva
他每發 嗎她 掐批她 他每發, 他每發 般度 洽撒卡 他每發
Tvameva Vidya Dravinam Tvameva, Tvameva Sarvam Mama Deva Deva
他每發 逼嗲 抓逼男 他每發, 他每發 撒發 媽媽 爹發爹發
O Lord ! You are my mother and father, relative, friend, Knowledge and Wealth. You are all to me. Whatever I do through this body, speech, mind and senses, through intellect or by nature, I offer all these at the Lotus feet of Lord Narayana.
tvam = you
eva = are only
maata = mother
pitaa = father
bandhu = relative/kin
sakha = friend
vidya = education/learning
dravinam = money
mama = my
deva = God
deva deva = God of gods/supreme lord.