Invocation To Patanjali
Yogena cittasya padena vacam
又給那 七祂蝦 怕得那 發牆
malam sarirasya ca vaidyakena
媽浪 蝦裡拉蝦 洽非 甲k囊
yopakarottam pravaram muninam
又巴卡洛當 怕發囊 木妮囊
patanjalim pranjaliranato'smi
怕坦家立 帕家立 啊拿偷司咪
abahu purusakaram
阿爸呼 布魯蝦卡狼
sankha cakrasi dharinam
香卡 恰克拉 希塔力囊
sahasra sirasam svetam
撒哈斯拉 希拉桑 隨堂
pranamami patanjalim
怕哪媽咪 怕坦家立
Hari Om
哈裡 嗡
I prostrate before Patanjali, whose upper body has a human form,holding a sword of discrimination, a wheel of light representing infinite time,and the conch shell representing Divine sound, appearing radiant white with a thousand heads.
我對Patanjali 致敬,他的上半身是人類的形式有一千個頭,手持明辨之劍和有如無窮無盡時光的火輪,海螺之音代表聖音。萬丈光芒照亮我們。
yogena cittasya padena vacam-To purify the mind (citta), purify the consciousness, Patanjali gave the science of yoga (yogena) to us. To purify our use of words (pada) and speech (vacca), he gave a commentary on grammar to us, so that our use of words and way of speaking is clarified, distinct and pure.
malam sarirasya ca vaidyakena-To remove the impurities (malam) of the body (sarira), he gave us the science of medicine (vaidyakena).
yopakarottam pravaram muninam-Let me go near the one who has given these things to us.
patanjalim pranjalir anato’smi-Let me bow down my head with my folded hands to Lord Patanjali. Then after knowing the work of this Lord, the second stanza says what Lord Patanjali looks like. To do any meditation first the form has to be in front of the eyes.
abahu purusakaram-From the hand up to the head he has the shape (karam) of a human (purusa).
sankha carkrasi dharinam-In his hand he is holding the conch (sankha) and disc (cakra)
sahasra sirasam svetam-On top of his head (sirasam) he has got a thousand (sahasra) hoods of the cobra, because he is the incarnation of Adishesha, the greatest cobra. Svetam means white.
pranamami patanjalim-I bow down to Patanjali.