Sharanaagata dinaarta
蝦拉哪嘎他 滴哪他
Paritraana paraayane
怕哩抓那 啪啦丫呢
Sarvasyaarti harey Devi
撒發蝦滴 哈勒 堆逼
Naraayani Namostute
哪拉丫你 那摸思都對
Salutations to you mother Durga, you are the one who brings all the downtrodden under her shelter. You look after the interests of the distressed by taking them in your refuge. Namaskar to you O Devi who removes the afflictions of everyone.
Sharanaagata-dinaarta – One who has surrendered to Mother, is humble, and suffering (another meaning is intensely desiring to realize Mother's presence in everything).
Sharanaagata - One who has surrendered.
Dina – one who is filled with humility.
Aarta – One who is suffering.
Paritraana-paraayane – Mother is engaged in removing the suffering and lifting up devotees (who have surrendered, are humble, and had intense desire for spiritual progress)
Sarvasyaartihare Devi – Mother removes all miseries
Naaraayani Namostu te – I salute to the Universal Mother