Om Sat Chit Ananda Parabrahma Purushothama
嗡 薩起啊南大 帕拉不浪嗎 暴露秀祂嗎
Paramatma Sri Bhagavati Sametha Sri Bhagavate Namaha
啪啦他媽 淑麗 八嘎發梯 撒妹祂 淑麗 八祂發貼 哪媽哈
Hari Om Tat Sat
哈利 嗡 祂 薩
The primordial sound of the universe, truth,pure consciouness, bliss, the supreme creator, the energy which incarnates as an avatar to guide us. The divinity present in every being the female aspect of creation in communion with the male aspect of creation. Salutations, OM, the divine absolute truth.
Om - The primordial sound of the Universe
Sat - Truth
Chit - Pure consciousness
Ananda - Bliss
Parabrahma - The Supreme Creator
Purushotama - The energy which incarnates as an avatar to guide us
Paramatma - The divinity present in every being
Sri Bhagavati - The female aspect of creation
Sametha - In communion with
Sri Bhagavate - The male aspect of creation
Namaha - Salutations
Hari Om Tat Sat - Hail to that divine truth