Hey Prabho Anandadaata jnana hamko dijiye,
黑 帕侯 阿南達 達他 雅拿 杭屋摳 滴居耶
Shighra sare durguno ko dur hamse kijiye.
希瓜 撒咧 督咕牛溝 都拉航母塞 梯衣居耶
Lijiye hamko sharan me ham sadachari bane,
哩居耶 航母摳 香拉拉美 航 撒達恰 里巴內
Brahmachari, Dharma Rakshak vira vrata dhari bane.
巴麻洽裡一 達瑪拉夏卡 力拉發她答 里一巴內
Prem se ham gurujanom ki nitya hi seva kare,
配門 色杭母 估盧家牛 梯 尼踏 希 瑟法卡瑞
Satya bole, jhut tyage mel aapas me kare.
薩鐵 博類 居屋她 貼給 美拉阿啪思 眉卡類
Ninda kisiki ham kisi se bhul kar bhi na kare,
妮答 梯溪梯 航母梯西瑟 補拉卡拉逼 拿卡咧
Divya Jivan ho hamara tere yash gaya kare.
滴法 居法那 何哈瑪拉 鐵拉丫須嘎 丫卡咧
O Lord who is the bestower of Happiness and Bliss, please grant us Knowledge and remove all the impurities from our hearts. Take us in your protection and enable us to follow good conduct. May we tread the path of the Self and protect Dharma. May this be our Vow. May we serve our Gurus daily with love, speak the truth and abandon untruth and help each other. May we not blame or criticize anyone even by mistake. O Lord ! Bless us so that our lives are divine and that we sing your glories ever.