博伽梵歌Bhagavad Gita, Chapter IV, verse 24 & Chapter XV, verse 14
Aum Bramarpanam brahma havih
嗡 八啦媽怕囊 八啦媽 哈比一
Brahmagnau brahmanaahutam
八啦媽哪屋 八啦媽哪瑚潭
Brahmaivatena gantavyam
Brahmakarma Samdhinaa
八啦媽康嗎 桑媽低哪
Aham Vaishvanaro Bhutva
啊行非須發哪柔 不祂
Praninaam Dehamaashritaha
怕你難 得哈媽希祂哈
Pranapana Samayuktah
怕哪怕哪 薩媽由譚
Pachaamyannam Chaturvidham
胖恰妹南 洽土逼當
The whole creation being a gross projection of Brahman, the Cosmic Consciousness itself; so the food too is Brahman, the process of offering it is Brahman, it is being offered to the fire of Brahman. He who thus sees Brahman in action, alone reaches Brahman.
I, the Supreme Spirit, abiding in the body of living beings
as the Fire (Vaiswanara) in their stomach I am associated
with their Praana and Apaana, digest the four type of foods
(solids, fluids, semi-fluid and liquid) which they eat.
brahma- spiritual in nature
arpanam- contribution
brahma- the Supreme
havih- butter
brahma- spiritual
agnau- in the fire of consummation
brahmana- by the spirit soul
aahutam- offered
brahma- spiritual kingdom
eva- certainly
tena- by him
gantavyam- to be reached
brahma- spiritual
karma- in activities
samadhina- by complete absorption
aham- I
vaisvanarah- My plenary portion as the digesting fire
bhutva- becoming
praninam- of all living entities
deham- in the bodies
asritah- situated
prana- the outgoing air
apana- the down-going air
samayuktah- keeping in balance
pachami- I digest
catuh-vidham-the four kinds