

(1) Mano buddhyahankara chittani naham    

媽弄 部鐵哈恩卡拉 妻塔利 納哈恩

Na cha shrotra jihve, na cha ghrana netre    

哪洽 秀川旗飛 那洽 卡那內吹

Na cha vyoma bhumir na tejo na vayuhu    

那掐 優媽 布尼那 鐵秋那發優呼

Chidananda rupah Sivoham Sivoham    

七祂難達 鹿帕 西莫哈恩 西莫哈恩


I am not the mind, intellect, ego, or memory; nor the ear or tongue; nor the nose nor eye; nor the space, earth, fire, or air (and water), I am of the nature of bliss and pure consciousness, I am Shiva, I am Shiva. 






ahamkarah-ego (I- consciousness)

chittani -memory


aham -I 

na -not


shrotra -ear (organ of hearing)

jihve -tongue

na -not


ghrana -nose (organ of smell)

netre -eyes

na -not

cha -and

vyomah -space

bhumih -earth

na- not

tejah- fire (light)

na -not

vayuh- air

chidananda rupah-nature of pure consciousness

shiva -Shiva

aham -I 

shiva -Shiva

aham -I


(2) Na cha prana sangho na vai pancha vayuhu    

那掐 怕那三用 那飛 潘洽發優

Na va sapta dhatur na va pancha koshaha    

那發 撒她 踏阿度 那發 潘掐扣蝦

Na vak pani padau na chopastha payoo    

那發 帕尼  帕到屋 那秋帕斯塔帕優

Chidananda rupah Sivoham Sivoham    

七祂難達 鹿帕 西莫哈恩 西莫哈恩


I am not indicated by prana, nor the five-fold vital airs nor the seven elements of the body, nor the five sheaths; nor the organs of speech, nor hand, nor leg; and not generative or excretory organs, I am of the nature of bliss and pure consciousness, I am Shiva, I am Shiva. 




na -not

cha -and

pranah -life-breath

samjnah -sign

na vai - neither

pancha vayuh - five vital airs

na -not 

va -or

sapta dhatuh-seven basic elements (of the body) 

na -not 

va- or

pancha koshah- five sheaths

na- not

vak -organ of speech

pani -hand

padam- foot (or leg) 

na -not

cha -and

upastha payuh -generative and excretory organs

chidananda rupah -nature of pure consciousness

shivo -Shiva (the auspicious one)

ham - I

shivo- shiva

aham -I


(3) Na me dvesha ragau na me lobha mohau

那每 對蝦辣夠 那美 露巴莫後屋

Mado naiva me naiva matsarya bhavah

嗎竇 捏發媚內發 馬灑 也巴伐

Na dharmo na chartho na kamo na mokshah

那達勒摩 那洽鬥屋 那卡摸 那摸下哈

Chidananda rupah Sivoham Sivoham.

七祂難達 鹿帕 西莫哈恩 西莫哈恩


I have neither aversion nor attachment, neither greed nor delusion; I have neither arrogance nor jealousy; I have no duty (to perform) nor any wealth (to acquire); neither desire nor liberation; I am of the nature of bliss and pure consciousness, I am Shiva, I am Shiva. 




na -not

me- to me

dvesah -hatred (aversion) 

ragah -attachment

na- not

me- to me

lobhah -greed 

mohah -delusion

madah- arrogance

na -not

eva -only me

na eva -not to me

matsarya bhavah -feeling of jealousy 

na -not

dharmah -dharma 

na -not

cha -and

arthah -wealth (money)

na -not

kamah -desire

na -not

mokshah -liberation

chidananda rupah -nature of pure consciousness 

shiva -Shiva


shiva -Shiva



(4)Na punyam na papam na saukhyam na dukham    

那鋪央 那怕胖 那蘇咖 那督卡

Na mantro na tirtham na veda na yagnaha    

那媽託 那踢躂 那飛大 那亞捏哈

Aham bhojanam naiva bhojyam na bhokta    

阿夯不加那飛發 不加那波他

Chidananda rupah Sivoham Sivoham    

七祂難達 鹿帕 西莫哈恩 西莫哈恩


Neither virtue (punyam) nor sin (papam) nor happiness nor sorrow; nor a holy chant nor a holy place of pilgrimage nor Veda nor sacrifice; I am neither enjoyment, nor enjoyable object, nor the enjoyer; I am of the nature of bliss and pure consciousness, I am Shiva, I am Shiva. 




na -punyam not virtue

na papam -not sin

na saukhyam -not pleasure (material happiness)

na duhkham- not sorrow (pain)

na mantrah -not a sacred chant

na tirtham -not a holy place of pilgrimage 

na veda- not Vedas (not scriptures) 

na yajnah -not sacrificial fire rituals 

aham -I 

bhojanam na eva- not the act of enjoying 

bhojyam -(nor) the object of enjoyment 

na bhokta -not the enjoyer 

chidananda rupah -nature of pure consciousness 

shiva -Shiva 

aham -I

shiva -Shiva

aham -I 


(5) Na me mrutyu shanka na me jati bhedah    

那美 咪糾香卡 那每 家替貝達

Pita naiva me naiva mata na janma    

闢塔 餒發 每內發 媽塔 哪 加碼

Na bandhur na mitram gurur naiva shishyah 

那邦度 那咪貼阿 古魯 內發須下哈

Chidananda rupah Sivoham Sivoham     

七祂難達 鹿帕 西莫哈恩 西莫哈恩


I have no fear of death; neither do I have any distinction of caste (or creed); I have neither father, nor mother, nor birth; neither friend nor kith and kin; neither teacher (guru) nor disciple; I am of the nature of bliss and pure consciousness, I am Shiva, I am Shiva. 




na me -not to me

mrityuh shanka -fear of death

na me -not to me

jati -caste (and creed)

bhedah -distinction

pita -father

na eva -not either

me- to me 

na eva mata -nor mother

na janma- not birth

na bandhuh -nor relation

na mitram -nor a friend

guruh -guru

na eva -not either

shishyah a- disciple

chidananda rupah -nature of pure consciousness

 shiva -Shiva

aham -I

shiva -Shiva

aham- I


(6) Aham nirvikalpo nirakara rupo    

阿夯 你逼卡剖 你拉卡拉鹿埔

Vibhur vyapya sarvatra sarvendriyanam    

逼補屋 壓趴 撒發差 撒非追雅哪

Sada me samatvam na muktir na bandhah    

撒打媚 薩媽禿阿 那穆提 那棒答

Chidananda rupah Sivoham Sivoham    

七祂難達 鹿帕 西莫哈恩 西莫哈恩


I have neither dualities nor shape or form; I am present everywhere (omnipresent) and pervade all the senses; I am always equanimous; I am neither liberation nor bondage; I am of the nature of bliss and pure consciousness, I am Shiva, I am Shiva. 




aham -I 

nirvikalpah -without dualities

nirakara rupah -without a form

vibhuh - omnipresent

vyapya -pervading (spread out) 

sarvatra- everywhere

sarva all indriyanam -sense organs

sada -always

me samatvam -I am equanimous

na muktih- neither liberation

na bandha -not bondage

chidananda rupah -nature of pure consciousness

shiva -Shiva

aham- I 

shiva -Shiva

aham -I

    創作者 靜嫻--瑜珈 小麥 的頭像
    靜嫻--瑜珈 小麥

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