Shivoham Shivoham
需坡航 需坡航
Shiv sawaroopam aham
需瓦 司挖路坡航
Nityhoham Shuddhoham
你丟航 修多航
Buddhoham Muktoham
補多航 木多航
Shivoham Shivoham
需坡航 需坡航
Shiv Swaroopam Aham
需瓦 司挖路坡航
Shivoham Shivoham
需坡航 需坡航
Shiv Swaroopam Aham
需瓦 司挖路坡航
Nityhoham Shuddhoham
你丟航 修多航
Buddhoham Muktoham
補多航 木多航
Shivoham Shivoham
需坡航 需坡航
Shiv Swaroopam Aham
需瓦 司挖路坡航
Shivoham Shivoham
需坡航 需坡航
Shiv Swaroopam Aham
需瓦 司挖路坡航
Advaitamanand roopam aroopam
啊對祂瑪南達 路胖 啊路胖
Brahmoham Brahmoham
八摸航 八摸航
Brahma Swaroopam Aham
八碼 司挖路 坡航
Brahmoham Brahmoham
八摸航 八摸航
Brahma Swaroopam Aham
八碼 司挖路 坡航
Chidoham Chidoham
起多航 起多航
Sat Chidanandoham
Chidoham Chidoham
起多航 起多航
Sat Chidanandoham
Shivoham Shivoham
需坡航 需坡航
Shiv Swaroopam aham
需瓦 司挖路坡航
Shivoham Shivoham
需坡航 需坡航
Shiv Swaroopam aham
需瓦 司挖路坡航
Nityhoham Shuddhoham
你丟航 修多航
Buddhoham Muktoham
補多航 木多航
Shivoham Shivoham
需坡航 需坡航
Shiv Swaroopam Aham
需瓦 司挖路坡航
Shivoham Shivoham
Shiv Swaroopam Aham
需瓦 司挖路坡航
I am shiva, I am shiva (the pure unbounded consciousness)
My nature is Shiva. My form is Shiva.
I am eternal. I am pure. I am intelligent. I am free.
I am eternal. I am pure. I am intelligent. I am free.
I am shiva, I am shiva (the pure unbounded consciousness)
My nature is Shiva. My form is Shiva.
The bliss of non-duality (oneness), that which is in all forms and yet formless.
I am Brahman (pure unbounded consciousness). I am Brahman. I am the very form of Brahman.
I am consciousness. I am consciousness. I am the bliss of consciousness which is the one Truth.
I am Shiva (the pure unbounded consciousness). I am the unbounded consciousness. I am the very form of the unbounded consciousness.
Shiva - the pure unbounded all-pervading consciousness (the transcendental self, the Absolute)
Aham- I am, Shiva + Aham - Shivoham
swarup - the true form
nitya - eternal
shuddha - pure
buddha - intelligent
mukta - free
Advaita - non-duality (oneness)
Aananda - bliss
rupa - form
arupa - formless
Brahman - the pure unbounded all-pervading consciousness (the transcendental self, the Absolute)
Chida - consciousness
Sat - Truth