Om Saraswathi Namasthubyam Vardey Kaamarupini
嗡 撒拉斯瓦梯 哪瑪斯度乓 瓦魯對 卡瑪魯屁你
Vidhyarambham Karishyami Siddhir bhavathu mey sada
逼噹拉邦 卡率箱咪 思地魯 把邦土 妹 撒當
O Goddess Saraswathi, salutations to you, the giver of boons and the one who fulfills all desires. As I begin my studies, I bow to the Goddess to help me in making it fruitful and make me successful in all my efforts.
女神 Saraswathi,禮敬你,你是恩惠的給予者並滿足所有人的欲望。當我剛開始學習時,我禮敬您幫助我所努力的事情完成並且成功。
Saraswathi- O Goddess of Knowledge Saraswathi
Namsthubyam-salutation to you
vardey-one who gives boons
kaamarupini- one who fulfills desires
vidhyarambham-to begin my studies
karishyami-I am going
siddhir bhavatu-may there be accomplishment
mey- for me
sada- always
Om Saraswathi Namasthubyam Vardey Kaamarupini
嗡 撒拉斯瓦梯 哪瑪斯度乓 瓦魯對 卡瑪魯屁你
Vidhyarambham Karishyami Siddhir bhavathu mey sada
逼噹拉邦 卡率箱咪 思地魯 把邦土 妹 撒當
O Goddess Saraswathi, salutations to you, the giver of boons and the one who fulfills all desires. As I begin my studies, I bow to the Goddess to help me in making it fruitful and make me successful in all my efforts.
女神 Saraswathi,禮敬你,你是恩惠的給予者並滿足所有人的欲望。當我剛開始學習
Saraswathi- O Goddess of Knowledge Saraswathi
Namsthubyam-salutation to you
vardey-one who gives boons
kaamarupini- one who fulfills desires
vidhyarambham-to begin my studies
karishyami-I am going
siddhir bhavatu-may there be accomplishment
mey- for me
sada- always