
[Serenity, Regularity, Absence of Vanity, Sincerity, Simplicity, Veracity, Equanimity, Fixity, Non-irritability, Adaptability Humility, Tenacity, Integrity, Nobility, Magnanimity, Charity, Generosity and Purity.Practice daily these eighteen "ities",You will soon attain immortality. Brahman is the only real entity, Mr. so and so is a false non-entity. You will abide in eternity and infinity; You will behold unity in diversity; You cannot attain this in the university.You can attain this in the Forest University.]

以上是我們在施化難陀瑜珈道場(Sivananda Yoga Ashram)上師所教我們的18個美德,有配合一段旋律用唱的幫助大家記憶,那時上師有要我們翻譯成中文教唱.那時我就想我要來做,一直放在心上,從印度回來這麼多個月後終於完成了!如下:

[沉著, 規律, 不虛榮, 真誠, 簡單, 誠實, 平靜, 穩定, 不易怒, 適應, 謙卑, 堅持, 正直, 高尚, 寬大, 慈悲, 慷慨, 純淨.每天練習這18個美德,你會很快到達不朽.梵是唯一的真實存在.某某先生是虛偽不實的.你將會居住在永恆與無限.你將在不同之中看見一致.你不能在大學裡獲得這些.你可以在森林大學學到這些.]



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